Witches & Mad Prophets

Joan of Arc by Ian Cozzens

Diggers by Dylan MIner

WITCHES & MAD PROPHETS (2012)- This collection of 13 unique offset prints depicting heretics – individuals persecuted by religious authorities for the nature of their being or belief – I curated and offset printed. Twelve other artists participated in the project, including Justseeds members Dylan Miner, Mazatl, and Bec Young. There were originally 350 portfolios made, including a cover designed and printed by hand.
The full list of artists includes:
AMTK – the Calusari
Bec Young – Giordano Bruno
Charlotte de Sédouey – Brethren of the Free Spirit
Corina Dross – the Benandanti
Dylan Miner – the Diggers
Erik Ruin – the Münster Rebellion
Ian Cozzens – Joan of Arc
Katrina Silander Clark – the Madonna Oriente
Lee Relvas – Marguerite Porete
Mandy Katz – Biddy Early
Mazatl – Carlos Chichimecatecuhtli Ometochtzín
William Schaff – the Werewolf of Livonia
Xander Marro – Salem Witch Trials